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Old 02-24-2012, 08:38 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by pothole View Post
Sorry, but I don't believe that's remotely necessary. If it was, cars in hot climates would be going pop all over the place. Moreover, if it was, there would be plenty of Boxster drivers who'd need to change their oil on a near daily basis.
You are possibly right mate. All I was trying to point out (in canadian frenchglish of course) is the concept of oil and the factors that degrade its effective properties... high revs, high temp, aging, etc...

If you understand this, then you should be able to judge when to change your oil. Perhaps not as accurate as JFP in PA's professional method, but very near.

RE "hour hour in traffic thing". I know a guy here with 3 Ferrari (4th on order) and 2 Lambo and believe it or not, every-single-time he take one out for an afternoon spin and garage it back home, he ask his 2 (trained) house handyman "dust-off and flush the oil please". Clearly this guy doesn't ask anyone on forums or even question himself whether his oil is up to, full protection
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