Originally Posted by MightyMouse
Hmmm.. why do you ask, not planning to buy it from underneath me, right?? hehe.. :P
it's premierautoauctions.com
they're in another town, just 30 miles west I guess..
I fly in at like 11:50pm on the 14th, and my return flight is the next day at 2pm, hopefully I won't be using that return flight and will be driving the car back...
Would you like to go with me to look at the car by any chance..?? 
Who is going to check the car out? This looks to be a pretty small pre-owned dealer and I doubt they have expertise in Porsche. There is Napelton Porsche in Westmont, that is pretty close ( maybe 15 minutes or so from the car ).
No affiliation just the closest Porsche dealer.
Since you have a little time before you are coming out have you looked at autotrader.com? In Chicagoland we have at least 5-6 Porsche dealers and several luxury only pre-owned dealers within about a 30-60 min. drive in any direction.