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Old 01-26-2012, 09:04 AM   #21
Ghostrider 310
Ex Esso kid
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Location: NY
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Originally Posted by thstone View Post
Usually when a car is owned for 30-60 days it means that the owner (private party or a dealer) bought the car with the intention to immediatley re-sell it (flip it) and the next owner likely intended to do the same.

Their business model is basically churning over cars as fast as possible while making ~$500 per car. Move 10 cars a month and you've got a decent business that you can run out of your cousins empty storage lot or warehouse.

Got ya, I have a line on the car I want 2,300 miles. My money doesn't arrive for six weeks. Trying to get a dealer to take a substantial down payment to hold even with a purchase commitment is a tough sell. I might have to just watch the other cars I like sell for six more weeks unless the sales guy I'm talking with can sell his sales manager..
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