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Old 01-21-2012, 07:17 PM   #1
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After Cleaning Throttle Body Car Won't Start

After experiencing a rough idle I decided to take up the task of cleaning the throttle body which was pretty dirty. But after reassembling every thing and cracking a wire housing cable which btw I'm not sure what does. I started the engine a few times with no problems but did notice a whine coming from the throttle body area and also the the throttle body itself was being much more audible. But passed it off as just the product of having no sound proofing because the heat shield and carpeting was still off. Now after a few hours of sitting the car won't start at all. When I turn the key I just get a ticking sound as if its trying to ignite. So I recorded a video highlighting the Whine, failing engine start, and also the much more audible throttle body motor I believe. I would gladly go back to the dirty throttle body, but running engine of yesterday if I could. Is there a throttle body reset switch that I don't know about? So my question in a nutshell is how do it get my car back to normal.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

My car is 2000 2.7

Here is the video link: Porsche 986 throttle body problem - YouTube
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