Thread: Ultraguage?
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Old 01-06-2012, 07:25 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by idheaton View Post
Thanks for the input JFP.

I was more looking at it as a code reader with additional functions since at it's sales price it isn't much more than some of the Actrons I have looked at. I was really wondering about it's accuracy on the other features and ease of use.

I understand it won't read the 'protected codes' but does any reader for your casual user do this other than the least expensive durametric?
The only system that can totally access and test everything on your Porsche is the OEM PIWIS tool, which the first year’s lease cost about as much as a fully equipped two bay garage, so it is out of reach for all but the most serious independent Porsche shop. The Durametric system is the next best thing as it can access most of the car’s proprietary code areas (service rest, ABS, PSM/PASAM, airbags, etc.) and can not only read and reset codes, it can activate and test systems such as the VarioCam, and read and capture tons of data in real time such as the camshaft deviation values; something no other tool but the PIWIS can do, which makes it a real steal for less than $300, with the sole drawback that it will only work on Porsche’s. Even the very serious aftermarket diagnostic systems such as Snap-On’s Modis (one is selling on flea-bay at the moment for about $3,500 used) cannot do what the Durametric system can.

For the average “backyard” DIY addict, Actron would be the next choice; solidly made and well supported diagnostic tools at reasonable prices. For less than the cost of the Durametric package, you can get a unit that is Internet updatable (very important as OEM’s are constantly adding new sensors and codes), and even provides “the most common causes” for the codes it reads, giving someone with limited diagnostic experience some direction on what to do to fix a problem. While the Actron’s will work on any car built after 1996, it cannot see or address the proprietary codes on any OEM brand (all of them have areas such as Porsche that cannot be read or cleared without overly expensive dedicated tools such as the PIWIS). Several of the Actron models can read all of the “real time” sensor data that the Ultragauge can (what I referred to as PID catalogs earlier), so you can no only see the data, but can capture it and download it or print it out if you need to, it just won’t look as cute as the Ultragauge.

The decision is yours; but to give you some perspective, I have one Durametric Pro system and two Actron units in the shop. 60-75% of the time, the techs reach for the Actron units; the Durametric gets used when we are looking at something Porsche specific…...
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