Thread: satellite radio
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Old 09-28-2005, 01:11 PM   #7
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Interesting reply. Since I installed the mouse-like antenna on the back of my other car, reception has been quite good. You do make a point about many car companies taking the wait-n-see approach and that may well be valid. Though my downtown doesn't have many tall buildings, I do live in the mountains and there are times I lose reception. Of course, I just take the unit inside and play everything through the stereo where reception is always on the mark. The second gen XM radios also allow for recording up to 5 h of programming. Sure, Ipods are quite functional and cute, but satellite radios do offer things Ipods cannot. Ipods cannot broadcast every baseball game from the home stadiums (XM) nor can they broadcast football or Howard Stern (Sirius). Ipods do not have recordings of concerts or sit-downs with the band -- XM recently sat down with the members of Jethro Tull and dissected each song off Aqualung followed by a live performance. Also, correct me I am wrong, but unless there is another "free" Napster, you have to pay for your downloaded songs (or buy cds and download them). WHat makes you think that these people that object to paying a fee for satellite don't object to a fee for downloading?

XM also has sit down interviews with comedians and as well as live performances. Unfortunately, there is some commercials with the un-censored comedian channel, but it's still much shorter than "regular" radio, but tell me... how many channels does your ipod have?

As for the billing, cost and investing heavily: If I am going to buy a Porsche, I certainly have $200 to kick around. Subscription was about $150 up front, I don't get any bills, plus I get to hear every baseball game the Yankees play, plus 150 other stations ranging from news, comedy, weather yada yada yada. So, on a personal level, I think the billing point is moot.

As for car companies "investing" heavily... Let's think about this. Porsche mats were $110. For a piece of carpet that says Porsche? Porsche luggage can go for over $500 for an overnight bag. The windstop is over $300. Paint jobs are over $1200. Heck, you can get leather on your dash board, too! I think it's an absurb argument that car companies really have to "invest" heavily. Satellite radio may be the latest "dvd". Sure, maybe it'll be betamax or lazer disk, but the car company won't care. Show me where they would lose money on having an over-priced option? Make it an extra and if people want it, they can order it. As for the mass market cars, many already have them anyway and if people don't want them, they don't pay for them or ask for a rebate. Seriously, how many people need a GPS? Maybe, I'm different but I don't go on cross country jaunts nor does my city constantly change. GPS, in my eyes, is for more a luxury than a simple satellite radio antenna and subscription. I mean, you still have to continually order the dvds to keep your GPS current, right? Think of that bill...
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