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Old 12-07-2011, 05:28 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by fullthrottle52 View Post
I'm going to go way out on a limb here. Before everyone chirps in let me explain myself. I drive a dodge dakota pick up as my 2nd driver. I pretty much drive my box from March to December. I drive it on nice days or whenever I feel like it, which is most of the time. But when it is nasty out, snowing, or heavy rain I take the truck. If I want a fun car in the winter I would just get a car that is not a porsche and drive it all the time. I would probably go with the BMW 325i or something comparible. But, I have a sports car to drive most of the year and need a practicle vehicle for the times the Box just does not work, such as hauling things, driving in deep snow, taking a long trip etc. The truck has been very reliable and will go anywhere. Do I miss the driving excitment in the few winter months? Ya. But I have something during the whole year that is not similiar to what I drive for fun in the summer. EVERY MAN NEEDS A TRUCK IN THE DRIVEWAY!! Always handy.
Believe it or not, I've had the very same thought. (I, too, need to haul stuff from time to time.)'s hard to explain, but there's something very relaxing, very satisfying about toolin' around in a pickup. But then in the winter I'd need to throw sand bags over the rear axle, and I'd hafta set all the radio presets to country music stations, and next thing ya know I'm goin' to hell in a hand basket...
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