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Old 12-07-2011, 10:59 AM   #24
Johnny Danger
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Originally Posted by thstone View Post
Ok, since you asked a few more ideas, how about a Mini? The Mini S is sporty and great fun to drive. FWD. Manual trans are easy to find. Very stylish. Lots of tuner parts if you are so inclined. Better design, build, and material quality than a Korean, Japanese, or American econobox.
I had a 2008 Mini Cooper S for about two years . And, I definitely agree that the build quality on these vehicles is first rate . Moreover, I especially like the personalized design quotient that goes into the making of every vehicle. Be advised, however, that they're not the little "puddle jumpers" or "hair dresser" vehicles that most people think that they are; especially the "S" . My vehicle was all business - with a very performance oriented "feel" and "ride" to it . In fact, most of my friends who drove it felt that it was in many instances too harsh . In any case, as far as winter driving is concerned, unless one opts for a set of winter wheels and tires, you can forget about making it through any kind of snow . The wide, low profile tires make it absolutely atrocious in the snow . But, put some "steelies" and studded tires on it, and it will be transformed into a snow going beast !
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.

Last edited by Johnny Danger; 12-07-2011 at 12:20 PM.
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