Originally Posted by tonycarreon
i keep my insurance and registration in my owner's manual. i used to keep the owner's manual in the compartment between the seats. but it felt weird telling the cop "ok, it's behind me" when i got pulled over and asked for my registration. so i moved it.
i don't feel any better saying "it's between my legs"... 
Simply stated, getting pulled over in our cars did not go into the engineering checklist for the interior designers...you just brought an interesting thought to mind for me, tony, as
every storage space we have in the car is out of view of an officer, and you reaching in any of those unseen directions (typically somewhere below or behind you) are going to put him on edge unless you say something about the location.
Does the manual actually fit in the friggin glovebox? I never tried, since it literally looks like a box that will fit a set of gloves.