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Old 11-14-2011, 06:46 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jaxonalden View Post

With that philosophy, and I know Jake did his homework on his Guardian, but what if there was software that was constantly monitoring this data which the computer already is. Then have that monitoring trip an Check Engine light when the cam deviation fluctuates or goes beyond a predetermined value (+/- 4 degrees)?

This sounds like more of a tell tale sign of impending failure than a chip detector...even have a safety net and if those values are exceeded, shut the engine down to prevent catastrophic failure.

Sound like a wiener?

P.S. If shutting down the engine sounds dangerous just think if it hand grenades in traffic.

Yes I am with you....this was my ims gaurdian guess but I was wrong....just didn't think about a simple chip detector. Chips can come from anywhere so it would go off from things other than just the ims bearing; I was thinking ims bearing failure isolation. I don't believe you would be able to catch chain tensioner wear with the
guardian (plastic is not magnetic). Cam shaft deviation monitoring might be able to give you tensioner wear due to increased chain slop and loss of motion. This what is what I was most interested in as I have changed my bearing. I guess it was just wishful thinking.

If chain tensioner wear can be shown to produce cam shaft deviation we may have our own product! We could perhaps monitor cam shaft deviation via the OBD port and have an alarm go off when deviation goes outside of 5 degrees. I was thinking of just connecting your iPhone to the OBD port to do a check every so often.

Oh well...I suppose Durametric has this covered already!
986 00S
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