Originally Posted by ekam
Brake cleaner & sand paper? Sounds a little too much. I always clean the inside of the wheel.
I use Armorall Triple Action Wheel Cleaner to clean really hard stains on inside of wheel. I use it sparingly because it's very acidic.
Armor AllŪ - Product Detail
Normal cleaning which I do at least once every 3 weeks in warmer weather is P21S wheel cleaner. I buy these 5 litre at a time and it's the cat's ass.
Yes sorry I meant wheel cleaner I must have been falling asleep when I posted. Meant I used several brands of wheel cleaner. Understand the outside of wheels were in very good shape, the insides had years of un-removed brake dust. The 3000 grit san paper did almost nothing to remove the stains, the power washer did help a lot. I would not touch the outside of the wheel with sandpaper unless I was repainting, even a 3000 would stratch the highly polished finishes on the outside.
For my cars I've always washed the inside of the wheels each time I wash the car so they stay perfect, twice a year I would remove them completely from the car and detail them thoroughly.
I'll have to try some of the products you guys have recommended, I've never needed wheel cleaner because I always kept mine perfect, but on cars with some buildup I would like to give these a try. The wheels I took off my Boxster still have some stains on the inside, I'll have to give these a try.