6 pulls because he didn't have a base "hot rod" tune for the CaymanS engine. He does now
I hear you, but a LOT of "tuners" do it this way.. a LOT.
just to name a few..
You buy their hardware and you down load generic tunes based on the mods you list. Want something custom.. they modify a tune they already have and email it to you. Push it to the car.. do a pull.. make change push it again.. make change push it again
Find someone who can download the stock tune from the car, make the changes and push it back without having to email back and forth with the "real tuner"
Those guy's are rare, but when you find them, they have really good base tunes for most of the stock displacement/stock cam'd engines, so 4 pulls and a good 02 reading is not far fetched. The guy I use pulls from a large database out of Italy. Sometimes we try a tune that is already modified, then modify it to work with our car.
There are really good Porsche tuners out there, but they are not typically on the web and they are not typically easy to get a hold of (they are busy)