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Old 11-01-2011, 10:50 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Dale_K View Post
I've heard of folks using Dawn dishwashing detergent to get rid of oil contamination in the oil system. You'll be an expert in the art of flushing and air venting by the time you're done. The O-ring seals on the oil cooler might be the source if you're lucky. Hate to think it's a head gasket.

I would not use soap...

Actually Prestone has a product called "cooling system flush or radiator flush" that you add to the cooling system and let the engine run for a while to clean all the passages and radiators (open the heater valve)

However, this is an agresive chemical (for prolonged contact with aluminum) that must be neutralized (by another Prestone product) and afterwards to will want to flush several times until your water comes off clean.

It will take you most of the day because every time you add coolant you want the thermostat to be fully open, the good part is that both of the Prestone products will cost you a little over $10 ...

again, good luck!

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