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Old 10-14-2011, 05:42 PM   #5
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Do clean the MAF carefully. If that fixes the problem, you're good for a while.

The problem with the Porsche diagnostic tool is that it gets confused easily and it's expensive to isolate problems. If one of your O2 sensors is faulty, it can register that the MAF or other O2 sensors are faulty and that's not accurate.

With an 11 year old car that probably hasn't had the MAF or O2 sensors replaced, you're probably in need of all five parts. Just don't buy Bosch factory seconds off eBay... they're cheap for a reason. Best place to get parts for our cars cheaper than your local stealership is Sunset Imports in Oregon. They sell at 10% over hard cost plus shipping.

Last edited by RandallNeighbour; 10-14-2011 at 05:47 PM.
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