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Old 09-22-2011, 06:29 PM   #4
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The battery may stay charged if not connected to the car, but can it pass a load test (current draw over time)? A load test is always the "proof positive" test for battery condition and will single out an otherwise fine appearing battery.

Yes, you can disconnect the ignition switch if you want, but you should recognize that not all of the car's electrical circuits pass through it; you can still have a parasitic drain that by-passes it, so I am not sure what you will learn by removing it.

Not to be repetitive, but the correct diagnostic path way is to place a multi meter between the positive battery cable and the battery, then read the current draw. If it exceeds 40-60 mAh, you need to start pulling circuit fuses one at a time until you find the one pulling the power; that is your problem area............. If the current draw is in spec, your battery is likely toast…………
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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