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Old 09-22-2011, 05:18 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by d18mike View Post
Everyone has a different approach on this. Porsche recommends every 15k. I think the majoriity of owners do it around 5k. I tend to be between 3-5k. Serves 2 purposes: good engine maintenance and an opportunity to see if I am having an IMS issue by monitoring for metal shavings in the filter.

I also change it before storing in the winter.
Whoa! I'm not so sure Porsche recommends changing the oil at 15K miles, at least not for everybody!!! AFAIK, they have changed their recommendations several times. If the OP wants to be official, he needs to get a hold of the official maintenance book. Go to the dealer and order one! That will answer the question for once and for all, and will also be a good reminder of the other maintenance requirements.

I'm pretty sure the own official maintenance book for my 08 Cayman says to change at 12K miles, not 15K. It doesn't matter, however, because there's no way I'm letting the oil be used for that long. As a practical matter, I totally concur with your suggestion to change the oil at 5K and before storing for the winter (in my case, that's the same time).
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