Originally Posted by maj75
That's why I did not ask which one is "better." I was looking for perspective from a Boxster Board members as to whether I was crazy to want a 911sc over the Boxster S I own, given that I would drive it 100 miles a day in South Florida heat. I am looking for different opinion and thanks for the opinions posted so far
Having just sold a nice Boxster S in favor of an air cooled 911, I would hands down take the Boxster S given your circumstances. I just don't see the 911 being as good in the South Florida heat. The only area I can think of where the 911 wins given your situation is if you are a tall person and are a little cramped in the Boxster. If that's the case, the extra leg room on the 911 could be a big deal given that much driving. Otherwise keep the Boxster S.
My 1/2 cent.