Dale, just got the switch 15min ago!!! Thanks a TON! There is part of me that thinks there could also be a problem with the switch... if I do bypass the Fresh Air Valve (the valve that opens and closes the cabin filter to the atmosphere) I might need it. It seems the one I have sticks. I'll know more tonight.
I just wish I knew where VS-(wire connection) #24 was for certain before I go deeper into the car. My Bentley shows it in the wire diagram... I believe that’s where the short may be happening and drawing power from the system preventing the switch to open the vent valve. That's the connection point of all three vents/switches mentioned below...
The other vent in that unit up in the front part of the wheel well is part of another system... It's not tied into the tank vent system. The tank vent components are the Vent valve, the fresh air valve and the reed (magnetic) switch. Those are all on the same circuit.