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Old 08-09-2011, 06:02 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sanford NC
Posts: 2,560
Always consider

that the special offer 'today only' 'just to you' is the sign of a deal that isn't going to be in your long term interest.

If their way of doing business was honestly in your favor they wouldn't need all those high pressure tactics and the high priced salespeople (that you ultimately are paying for).

You'll hear stories of people who made out by buying a warranty. Just as you'll hear stories of people who made money on the slot machines in Vegas. A few win big, a few break even, but by far the most folk lose. The odds are much more in favor of you in least 3x better. Consumer Reports says Extended Warranties pay out only about 30% of the $ they take in in repairs, the rest of the money you pay goes to selling, admin and profit.

And you run the risk of these companies going out of business leaving you stuck.

I've always self-insured for things I can afford to pay out on if something were to happen. And over a lifetime, I'm tens of thousands ahead. I insure big things like the house, car, liability...those have potential for bigger bills than I could pay.

I declined the Extended Warranty my '01S Boxster seller offered to transfer to me in favor of a lower purchase price. 5 years later I am way way ahead.

Consider instead doing the IMS replacement now and putting the rest of the $ into a savings account.
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