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Old 07-20-2011, 08:17 AM   #33
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by Mark_T
As far as quality goes, there is nothing wrong with Robbins. It seems to be very popular with the pro shops. But, if insurance is paying for it anyway, why not go with the high-end GAAH?

As to glass vs. plastic, there is a lot of discussion on that, mainly revolving around reduced engine bay access. I personally don't like the glass because of the much smaller size and ugly orange defroster lines. It really seems to be personal preference, so go with what you like best.
Hi Mark

Thanks for the reply.

As I understand, the GAHH has the orange side defroster lines. The Robbins does not.

What is it about the GAHH glass top that you, and others, consider superior to the Robbins top? The material, glass, fit and finish? Or do others think differently about the ranking of these tops? I thought that the Robbins comes with the longer warrantee.

I do not work on the motor of the Boxster. I leave that to my Porsche-trained mechanic (it was a different story with the 356, which I restored myself). So the reduced engine bay access is not a factor that will affect me personally - however is it an issue for a professional mechanic?

I lean toward the glass for peace of mind. We have roof-down driving weather in Perth for a good 9 months of the year, and even winter is not too bad. However the vinyl window is open to acts of vandalism, and it is this that I want to avoid.

Regards from Perth

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