Well, there actually are things the computer can tell you about the car, such as how it has been driven. For example, if the car has been over reved, if the car has ever been air borne, etc.
Having said that, if you can add the test drive and get the warranty summary (which is in the computer at McKenna, that would be pretty good I think.
And yes, 65 miles one way is a bit of a haul at $3.29 per gallon.
Originally Posted by idjiot
I spoke to the guy at McKenna about the diagnostic but he said that running the computer wouldn't show anything unless there was some sort of "light" that appeared in the car. Is there something more specific that I can use to ask them at McKenna?
I can probably request a test drive so that should be okay. The diagnostic and the other warranty information appears to be the only thing different - I'll call to see if McKenna can do the warranty.
I would just go to Carlsbad but I'm in LA and Laguna Niguel is already 65 miles away...