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Old 07-03-2011, 07:04 PM   #10
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OK, Insite, I'm still confused...Suppose I'm a cockroach crawling around inside that chamber we're talkin about, all warm and fuzzy about my choice of hangouts---after all, I'm kind of hidden but I've got escape routes through A, B, C and/or D. Now---you said I should bolt on the thermostat housing with the t'stat included, AND also block off both C & D. With the thermostat cold (ie closed), I, the cockroach, am not going to be able to crawl out through A, and additionally C/D have also both been blocked. That leaves B as the only way out, and that's where you want me to put the hose (actually 1, but that goes only one place: down through B). Once that's done, and the water turned on, there's no escape for either me or the water---it's a locked box with no exits. What am I missing?
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