Thread: engine shampoo
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Old 06-26-2011, 03:07 PM   #20
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Vancouver Isld , B.C.
Posts: 69
Thanks for the AOS suggestion , I was thinking it might be that. So this morning
I started the car and opened the oil filler - little if any vacuum. Also I've put about
a thousand miles on the car since purchase mid March and it doesn't seem to be using any oil nor does it blow white smoke.

So I went ahead and shampoo'd the engine , then drove into town to get a T20
for the MAF. I had the engine cover off - boy is that ever noisey.

Anyway I'll keep an eye on the top of the engine and see if more oil builds up
again. ( it could have been from an old leak the po fixed and didn't clean up )

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