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Old 08-29-2005, 10:31 AM   #14
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Posts: 155
IMO, any 2 seat convertible is impractical as a daily driver. It's nice that the Boxster has 2 trunks, but it's much less flexible or usable than say a hatch back or compact SUV. You can never take more than 1 passenger safely, and what about all your sports gear and groceries and errands and anything you do on a daily basis? I tested using mine as a daily driver, but it got annoying. Maybe it won't be for you coming from a TT, although you can fit quit a bit of stuff into the back of a TT coupe.

In terms of reliablity, Boxsters are reliable cars when maintained, and since you have a newer one, the liklihoood of a problem is even less. I doubt it will ever keep you stranded with regular maintanence.

Just my .02

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