I've got a 01 2.7 boxster. The normal running temp is usually between the 8 and 0 mark, usually closer to 8 mark when pottering around and in the 0 mark when pushing it or stuck in traffic for a long time - meaning the max water temp is slightly above 90 celcius.
This is with a LN low temp thermostat and new original water pump.... It used to be closer to 80 (82-85 ??) previously when the weather was afew degrees cooler but it's gone up since the weather became hotter..
BTW, will both fans come on when the a/c is on ? or just one ? I checked the other day and only driver side (for RHD, passenger side for LHD) was on... WHen the water temp went up more both fans came on.
Is this normal ? Or do I have a fan problem ?
Last edited by shlim8; 05-31-2011 at 07:40 AM.