Originally Posted by The Radium King
j-dan. you have 910 posts and 1000 miles in the past year. that's a desk/drive ratio that is dangerously close to 1:1. very unhealthy; the doctor recommends more driving and less posting immediately. and revving your car in the garage over the winter doesn't count.
I regret to say, since moving out to a rural part of western Massachusetts my vehicle has gotten little to no use . Mainly, because my home is located on one of the most horrendous, god forsaken stretches of unpaved road you've even seen !!

For that reason, I had to keep it garaged at friend's place about 70 miles away for the last year or so. I just recently found a place locally where I can keep it for the Spring and Summer . The vehicle only has 18k original miles, and at this rate I'll either being using it for my casket or donating it to the J. Paul Getty Museum . Assuming they have a poor man's Porsche category .