Another IMS failure
The original thread subject here was to report all premature Boxster engine failures. I'll dutifully report mine (from last week):
04 2.7L Boxster with 58-60K miles. Not particulary strenuously driven. Some extended (1-2 month) periods of disuse. Oil changes at 15K miles, 0W40 Mobil1. Possibly some bearing noise preceeding incident by a week or so. Engine failed at 5-10 mi/hr after a 20 mile commute (fwy+in town). Engine died, but re-started and fired on only a few cylinders, making horrendous clanking noises. Parked immediately. No smoke. All oil drained out when tilted onto flatbed towtruck. Metal debris in filter. Finally: IMS bearing stud seen to be snapped off when transmission removed.
Next step: crate engine for $18K. 2 yr warranty, but with >06 remanufacture date, IMS cannot be upgraded.
End of story.