I don't know the answer to your problem but I bought a Durametric unit while trying to figure out a totally different problem on my car and I recall the Durametric will read the pressure value of the tank. I bring this up only because the Durametric helped me diagnose my problem and maybe it would help you too.
Basically it seems like you could have either a mechanical issue (leak in the vent system, bad sensor) or an electrical problem (chafed wire, short, etc). Since replacing the sensor fixed the problem for a while you'd think if it was the wiring the problem must be near the sensor.
If it was me I'd hook up a Durametric and watch the values while wiggling the wires. Take all this with a grain of salt because I'm not an expert by any means. And the Durametric costs $300, which might be going overboard with the technology.