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Old 04-15-2011, 09:37 AM   #8
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Posts: 5
How much of intake system should i clean?

I took apart the intake from the throttle body to the top of the intake manifold. There was so much oil in there I could not believe it.

I cleaned out every thing I could reach. I used a whole roll of paper towels to soak it up. When I loosened the clamps on the tubes connecting the manifolds oil ran out all over the top of the engine. When i reached into the top of the manifold the paper towel i was using came out dripping.

I reassembled and it was still smoking really bad.

If my understanding of the boxster engine is correct The three tubes ftom the intake manifold go straight to the where the intake valves are located.

Is there a possibility I have a big puddle of oil sitting on top of the intake valves?

Do I need to take the Intake manifold loose from the engine and clean out chamber above valves?

I was thinking abour getting a piece of clear aquarium tubing and fishing on end down the manifold and see if i can suck up any oil.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
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