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Old 04-14-2011, 06:00 PM   #4
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Australia
Posts: 328

I use a number of products on my 986 and can recomend a few. Do you polish by hand or machine? If by machine and its a random orbital polisher, I can suggest the following:

Wash - any product is fine, even tide dishwash fluid is good (use two buckets, one to rinse the microfiber cloth in before dunking into the clean soap water)

Dry - quality chamois or microfiber towl.

Clay - Clay magic make a nice kit, claying is a very important step most people leave out. (can wash again after this, but I dont think its necessary)

Heavy Cut I use a Lake Country CCS Orange pad and Menzerna Power gloss cutting compound with my polisher set at about half speed

Medium Cut Lake Country CCS White pad and Menzerna Power finish polish compound, speed set about 2/3rds

Fine Cut Lake Country CCS Grey pad and Menzerna Final Finish fine polish compound, speed set to full.

Sealant Zaino Clear seal. I use this because my car is artic silver, hard to get depth out of light coloured cars, but Zaino CS makes the paint really pop. If it were a darker colour (anything other than silver or white) I'd use Pinnacle Liquid Soverign Wax. This is applied by hand, just wipe on and let set (dont buff off)

The rest P21S gold wheel cleaner is safe on our (and all) wheels, Poorboys bold and bright tyre shine, Poorboys spray gloss quick detailer, etc.

That being said (im sure you can tell) I have a bit of a hobby of detailing cars at home!

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