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Old 03-26-2011, 10:30 AM   #141
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Nothing I've read supports that language

Originally Posted by Bobiam
Many will disagree, but I think you did the right thing. There is too great of a likelihood that the car was going to cost you it's full value soon with an IMS failure. Enjoy your ride.
Could it happen, yes. Likely to happen, no. I read 6 forums daily and the number of failures that are showing up is small compared to the number of total M86 engines on the road. So I see little justification for "the sky is falling" language.

Many I see reported are not diagnosed by an expert so we aren't sure what went wrong. And some reports I'm convinced are by people trying to stir up trouble with no real Porsche ownership. Another group are recent purchases with uncertain maintenance histories and a high probability that they were not driven regularly and had just come out of hibernation/storage.

If I were changing the clutch, would I install the LN bearing, yes. I have a Tiptronic car, said more likely to fail by some, but I feel quite comfortable with the odds. You can't maintain against all possible failures or you go broke or paranoid. And if it stops being fun, why own it in the first place.
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