Simply erasing the code may not have corrected the underlying problem. My car is in the shop right now and one of the items is the 0740 code. I am hopeful that a Tiptronic service with fluid and filter replacement will have a positive effect on my car but I really won't know until I drive the car for a while. I hope your car doesn't need any additional work but simply clearing the code might not be enough. My mechanic thinks the Tip fluid gets contaminated with diff fluid and then the torque converter clutch slips. Personally I doubt it. I told him to go ahead and take a fluid sample for lab analysis but I don't know if they can really detect cross contamination or not.
I'm supposed to get my car back early this week and I'll post an update. It would be good news if the Tip service decisively fixed it because that's fairly easy and cheap. Stay tuned, as George Bush the elder used to say.