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Old 03-11-2011, 12:03 PM   #45
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Well after not getting a call from Jay at 10 I called and asked to talk to him. He was with a customer so I asked to talk to his manager.

They gave me Adam. I explained the problem to him and he told me he would look into it and that he did know of the problems they were having with the car but did not realize Jay had let it go this far.

He called me back in about 30-45 minutes and he explained to me that what the problem was was not in the fit of the kit but when they sprayed the kit it had little pin holes in it. So they were having to go back over it to fill the holes and re primer. He also told me that if it would have been him he would not have told me it would have been ready unless he had looked at the finished product.

Adam said he would be handling it and that it WOULD be painted today for sure! He also said that after it was done we could work out something about getting it to me without me having to take more time off work.

All this sounds good.

Let me clear something up, I do not mind the time it takes to do the kit as I explained to Adam. What I do mind is the fact I was told 2 times that it would be ready on Friday and taking the time off work, and it was not. In Jays defense Adam told me that he left Thursday and it was supposed to have been painted when he came back into work. Which I understand but that does not excuse his assumption that it would be ready. He should not have given me a pick up time if he even had an idea it would not be ready. He had all day Thursday to call or send and email to inform me that it might not have been.

Adam told me that he would call me Monday as soon as he could to up date me on the car. He also told me the pinholes were in the quote as prep so they would not be charging me for that.

I don't mind waiting as long as I know whats going on and when given a time and day to pick it up it's ready to be picked up.
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