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Old 03-11-2011, 07:23 AM   #42
Johnny Danger
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye71
Well guess what?? I just got an email from Jay at 8am THIS morning telling me the car will not be ready! I did not hear from him yesterday as he said if there were any problems he would contact me then. So I just lost a day of work and will have to lose another when and IF the car is ever done! He asked me the best # to call me to go over some things. As soon as I get the call IF I get a call, I'll let everyone know what other excuse he has for me!

It's not so much the length of time it's taking but the fact of them being in business as long as they have and not knowing when a project will be done. Like I said before I've owned a performance shop for 8 years and if I told a customer that their car would be ready at a certain date, it would have been even if I had to work till 2 in the morning every day to get it ready! I guess my word and level of professionalism is a good bit high then theirs!

I would be more concerned if this project had been turned around within the very short time frame that they had initially quoted you - than things taking more time in order to get them right . Remember, what Dr. Leo Marvin told Bob, "baby steps" !
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
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