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Old 03-09-2011, 04:38 PM   #34
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Location: Georgia
Posts: 117
I'm not sure what the heck is going on!

I've had to either send an email or call Magnum myself to get any information. This after being told that I would be kept up to date on everything.

I had to call Jay again today to check on the status of the car. I was told that he was gonna contact me as soon as it went into paint. He told me 3 different times it was supposed to go to paint and that he would let me know how it was going. He has not without me contacting him.

So I asked him if the car was still gonna be ready, as the last time we talked or emailed it was supposed to be the middle of the week. He said it would be Friday for sure. I explained to him that I would have to request time off work and have a buddy go down with me to pick the car up and if he was sure. He said they had a little problem with the gel coat but assured me it would be Friday. I told him if I did not hear back from him in 2 hours I was gonna go ahead and request the time off. This was at 12 noon. He said that would be good. Needles to say I did not hear back from him. I requested time off from work and called my bud to make sure he could give me a ride.

I check my email at 7 pm, low and behold I get a message from him, not a phone call mind you. It was sent at 5pm. He is telling me that they are having a problem with the gel coat taking paint?!!?? What the heck?? It seems like every time I call there is something going on. The last time it was the fitting around the head light needing sanding. I sent the pictures to Karl at Fiber Werks and he told me that they were not doing the fitting right. That they needed to lower the mounting bracket below the lights. He said he did a test fit of the bumper before he shipped it and it fit great. I then contacted Jay at Magnum and told him what Karl had said. Jay told me it was just a little sanding of the gel coat that needed to be done to get a perfect fit. So I went along with it as they are the ones doing the install. Jay did say in the email that it should still be Friday but late Friday. I am fine with this if it is.

I'm not a body guy but I am an ASE master tech that has been around cars for over 30 years. I also owned a shop for over 8 years and this is starting to stink a little to me.

I sent an email to Jay and asked him for some pictures of the problem area and for a total on the car. I also stated that I did not expect the bill to be much over the quote that I had agreed to as he has only told me of the little bit of sanding that needed to be done on the gel coat to get the fit around the head lights just right and that was the only thing I had agreed on.

I'm thinking about driving down there in the morning and just sorta of popping in on them to see the "problem" first hand. It's over a 2 hour drive for me but I'm willing to do it to find out what is going on.

What do you guys think? Am I over reacting? It's just that Fiber Werks has sold and had about 3 kits painted already with no problems at all since I got mine. This is according to the customers! It also seems like every time I talk to Jay he is a little vague like he's not sure what's going on.?.
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