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Old 03-08-2011, 04:13 PM   #12
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I swapped mine (2002 S) in the fall and it certainly took me longer than expected as well. At first I tried to do it with the drivers seat in, but I'm too large for that(5'10@220). It took far too long for me to remove the seat because I couldn't figure out how to disconnect the harness for the power/heat :-) Once I was finally in there I had a tough time to bend my wrist the correct way to turn the set screws. I also had thoughts about calling a tow truck :-) However, once I got the set screws loose the remainder of the process was fairly quick. Everything went well, but when I sat back in the car and the key wouldn't turn I hit rock bottom. As I was walking away from the car I realized the steering lock was the problem. Slight turn of the wheel and the key turned easily and it's been fine since then.

If I had to do it again I would. But I would look into the through the dash method mentioned below before I crawled under the dash again.

Good luck!
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