Ignition Switch Epic Fail
I need Help! The ignition switch went out on my 2002 986. I read several posts on this site that made it seem pretty straight forward, some posts even included helpful pics. I got the correct part at my local VW store. Popping the old one out was super simple. "This is going to be a breeze I thought." 6 hours later it is still not running.
The problem is getting the new one in, or rather working. It seems if I tighten down on the switch set screws it locks up the key and the steering wheel. Nothing will budge. If I back off on the set screws then the key just turns and nothing happens. Thirdly if I reach behind the dash and hold the switch with my hand everything works except the car still won't start. I have installed and removed the switch 5 times and each time I get the same result. What am I doing wrong????
2002 Triple Black, Desnorkled, Bumper Plugs, LN IMSB Upgrade