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Old 01-26-2011, 11:43 AM   #12
Gator Bite
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 35

But don't worry. Stainless can be brought back from the brink of dissaster when you have a bufing wheel and the right compounds.

Here's a demonstration on the worst spot of the pipe, so you can see the progress.

Buffing is a two stage process. First there is the cutting stage. In the cutting stage you use a very coarse compound on a wheel that actually removes the top layer of material like a sanding wheel, leaving a nice brushed surface below.

Then comes the 'coloring' phase. For this you switch to a soft cotton wheel with a
very fine compound that really brings the shine out.

Can you see my reflection in the pipe.....? Well, don't stop there. Keep on going and you end up with this:

Gator Bite
PCA Cayman Register Advocate
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