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Old 01-20-2011, 03:56 PM   #3
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sanford NC
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Lets go to the child seat question first and get the deal breaker out of the way. There is a bar under the seat that is an extra cost option that enables the seatbelt off when a properly equipped child seat is installed. Talk to the dealer and remind him that Porsche typically pays for the installation.

Costs...$50 parts and $30 labor at my nearest quick oil place for an oil change...I bring my choice of oil, filter, crush ring. They do 6 a month. No issues. I watch like a hawk. Could you do it yourself...sure with a big enough catch pan and a wrench that fits the filter.

Cost..I'd do a 90k on a car this old immediately as it is the most comprehensive. Probably $1k-$1.5k depending where you live and who does or independent Porsche specialist.

Do get a Pre-Purchase Inspection...

More about buying a Boxster here
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