Originally Posted by t2-bxtrs
What about just disconnecting the negative cable on the battery terminals?
any bad implications in the Spring?
For that, bear in mind:
Have your radio security code handy for that, as you'll need it when you reconnect the negative in order for your radio to work.
Disconnecting also resets the DME
Say in the case of a non-temperature controlled situation (garage, outdoors), the winter temps will still sap the energy out of your battery as well as possibly freeze it, and you definitely don't want to charge or operate a frozen battery
Due to these things, if you're going to disconnect it, might as well remove it altogether from the car, bring it indoors and hook it up to a battery maintainer. Just don't forget to do like it was suggested before and block open the front trunk so you can get back into it to drop the battery back in.
If the temperature thing isn't a factor, though, then you've only got the DME reset and radio code to be concerned about.