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Old 01-09-2011, 10:28 AM   #2
Burg Boxster
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could some have an IMS issue? Sure, any Boxster or 911 w/ the M96/97 engine could...

As Excellence magazine stated in their latest issue (calling '00-02 986S models a super buy at $16k), and I'm paraphrasing.... all of the cars w/ IMS motors (MY 1997-2008) potentially could have an issue but the true incidence of issues is much much lower than read about on internet forums, etc...

NOTE: This is the same magazine that did a (3 part, IIRC) very thorough expose / analysis on these engine failures citing many experts. They not only cited various failure modes but also referenced some potential fixes/preventative measures whose long-term reliability has yet to be proven. Needless to say, they've thoroughly discussed the topic numerous times and have exposure to much more information than pretty much anyone else other than the mother ship, PAG.

flame-suit zipping up

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