Cleanning condenser and radiator
It was interesting, what these photos don't clearly show is that after each season the leaves decomposed and settled to the bottom of the condenser and also most of the sand and small stones settled too. The stuff between the condenser and radiator was the stuff i was mainly concerned about it wasn't moving anywhere until I pulled them apart.
Things to remember removing the bumper - make note of what screws go where, you'll probably get it right when putting back together but it will save some time. Also make notes how the bumper overlaps under the car.
It was easy to take off but putting back on by myself was tricky, the left rubber/plastic intake got bent over and created a block. Start in the top middle and it will reattach easier. The final screws in the wheel wells (the 'hidden' screws) are the hardest. If you aren't careful you'll end up with screws you don't know here they go so like I say take note.
I found a Youtube video on it, if I can find it I'll post it back. The video is only good for telling you how to get it off and where all the screws are, you'll have to be good a putting things back together. I took the opportunity to spray some HD Spray and Shine on all plastic/rubber intakes to give them a nice new black finish, I cleaned everything, and I repainted the left and right grills by removing them. I also pained the center intake because it had lost its nice black look...the front of my car looks new now (well other then the normal aging of the bumper). It took me 2 or 3 hours one afternoon.
I think cleaning the front up really improved the look of the car, no more faded colors when looking up close.
Oh and pulling the condenser apart from the radiator it may seem like it is going to break something...but it won't.
If you recently purchased an older car you don't think had this done then it is worth doing, not a must, I mean these cars do have a lot of radiator surface.
Hope this helps.