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Old 11-15-2010, 12:48 PM   #5
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: St simons island ga
Posts: 64
Talking +1 Jtp

I fully agree with JTP as the Porsche , let alone a boxie, is not an "every mans" car...The time, energy and effort that we can go through with these machines can and often do, take our level of sanity to a whole different plane...Whist checking on this (very excellent) forum, please note that with the good, you can still have alot of bad. Not saying that owning one of these cars is difficult, It's like having another child....yes I said it!lol...

Alot of persons can end up biting off more than they can chew just because they found a "affordable" German sports car. Notice the affordable part is in quotes here. Even routine maintanance can be very cost prohibitive for many. It's just one of those, tires@350-450 a piece-oil changes@150.00, and hell, we all know about the "Porsche Tax" oh and the dreaded IMS issues! :P..shhhhh!

But with that out of the way..........I LOVE my BOXie and am sure that all of us owners can's worth it!!!!!!

p.s. Make sure that you get a PPI done on ANY Porsche that you are wanting to look at!!

Good Luck!!!!!!
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