Well isn't that something! Looks nicely made too - not suprised that it cost you a pretty penny.
USNA... dude... so sorry man - we totally hijacked your thread. Lots of peeps go with the GAAH tops and apparently they are very good quality. I got mine from Prestige Auto Trim in the UK for $500 shipped and I have no complaints.
Not sure if Boxsterfire is selling that leatherette top or just showing it to us, but there is a lot to be said for getting a whole top already mounted on the frame. It would save you about seven hours work (you and a buddy) and a lot of bad words.
I wonder if I could get a top made in that black and white cow hide look that you see seat covers made from, and then get the seat covers to match... or maybe camo...yeah, that's it, I want a camo top and seat covers!