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Old 10-24-2010, 10:39 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Tustin Ca.
Posts: 449
I don't know the exact hose your talking about and don't quite understand your description but, in general they are not ment to be repaired. WIth that said , I've done it successfully with high pressure ac and fuel lines and god knows what else.

Man am I going to get flamed for this.

Normally I use a piece of pipe the size of the inside of the hose and about 2.5 " long. Debur and if you can grind a small champher on ends. Clean the inside of the hose with a solvent (acetone is pretty innocuous, evaporates before it can damage anything) I coat the pipe a little with "Aircraft gasket sealer" starting 1/8" back from the end of the pipe. Then I insert half the pipe into one hose and clamp it with two hose clamps..tight. I then push the other end of the pipe into the other half of the hose (careful the pipe doesn't slide further back into the first hose half) and clamp with 2 clamps

Don't add fluid or drive it for a day or 2 so the sealer can kick off and can't possibly contaminate the fluid. Use vigilance when you first start it and drive it for a week or two. Be prepared for failure. However, I've never had a failure and probably have such a splice on one of my cars that I have long since forgotten about.

Regards, PK

I've usually done this out of laziness ( don't want to drive to the dealer and/or don't want to pay the freight$$$).
99 Supercharged 2.5L
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