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Old 10-21-2010, 04:39 PM   #24
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 207

There's not a whole lot I don't like about my 19s. It may not be for everyone but I like'm. The diameter of the entire wheel (Rim & Tire) doesn't really change for my setup, only the width of the tires changed from the stock 16s (it's wider now in the fronts and rears). I did the calculations for the diameter, and wanted to make sure the accuracy of my speedometer/odo was going to be right with the new set up.

Admittedly, it is a bit more harsh over bumps and potholes compared to thicker tire walls like on a 16" rim. But you should expect that with low profile tires that have less tire walls to cushion the bumps. Honestly though, it's not bad at all, at least not as bad as when you read about it. My advice is don't go in potholes and take it easy on the RR crossings...I do that even with my dad's Camry though...take care of your car and it will take care of you.

Apart from that, I really don't have any issues with the 19s. They look great, the quality of the Miro Rims are no complaints or buyer's remorse here!
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