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Old 10-21-2010, 07:12 AM   #66
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sanford NC
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I last posted in this thread in March 2010

since that time my total expense has been for 4 tires (because they were old, not because they were dangerously worn) and nothing else.

Someone asked and my car is approaching 58k miles. I don't drive it much any more but then I don't drive any of my cars much....except the golf car.

I had no special expertise when I bought any of my Boxsters...what I've learned from the experiences and what others have posted I've distilled into my writings. So my cars weren't anything special (though the second car did get an excellent PPI that pointed out everything that needed to be done and I did those and more immediately. It got its 60k service at 45k just because I hadn't a great deal of confidence in the maintenance it had received to that point and I wanted to start out from a known good point. It will get the 90k at 60k for the same reasoning.)
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