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Old 10-19-2010, 07:53 AM   #4
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Toronto
Posts: 13
Just brought in my pristine guard red 97 from the USA into Canada a month ago. Unless the engine blows, I plan to do 95% of the repairs and maintenance myself.

So the car immediately grants me my wish. First off, the rear deck lid closed on some high cargo. That little ding you could see a mile away. Quote for repaint and blend came in at $450 - ouch! I carefully flattened the spike and then moved the boxster emblem up a few inches to cover the left over blemish. Completely invisible. Cost zero.

Then my Goldwing mirror punched into the L/S tail light assembly. Immediately put down $100 for a pair of good used lenses on ebay.

And now the power window. I started without a manual but read the many threads on this site. Starting off, if I thought I had shot, I would have taken pics - for sure next time.

The A pillar junction box is on the body between the door hinges. There is a torx bolt at the bottom surrounded by a plastic turret. A torx bit in a 1/4 inch drive hex holder will undo it. If not also use a 1/4 drive ratchet. There's not a lot of excess harness on the body side, but just enough to pull and wiggle as everthing separates.

Overall, I've been lucky so far.
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