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Old 10-15-2010, 08:15 AM   #9
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Actually if you are going to cite Pedro's experience

his engine just blew at 207k on the track. Understand the hundreds of days on the track it had already logged, the hundreds of AXs it had run and the excellent care it had received to that time. Hardly a typical car.

His car is now back on the road with a replacement engine.

Buying an 11 year old car with an uncertain history and then expecting it to last strikes me as the height of optimism. No engine design is perfect and our cars are getting old. There are steps that you can take in terms of preventative maintenance that can reduce the chances, and there are engines available at varying price points to replace yours if it fails. Are they fun bet. My 2 have been very very trouble free over a 6 year period. But realistically they could go bang tomorrow as could any of my other car's engines.

Change the oil frequently (4-5k miles), stay on top of preventative maintenance and drive it.
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