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Old 09-22-2010, 07:37 PM   #7
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Thanks Boxtaboy! Im new to the forum and I want to know where you found "porsche" logo? been looking for something similar for a while.

Yes, my car is a base model. Thanks for the observation! I see that you do have a valid point there! I forgot to mention that you also have to leave out left and right front air induction cowls as well. Im not an engineer nor a race car driver but my personal opinion is that I don't think the car is being slowed down or air caught in the center "void" since air is being forced to go to the right or the left radiator by the constant pressure of more air coming through the opening and aided by a syphon effect from air coming from right and left intakes and passing through radiators and exiting the vehicle, it can't go anywhere else because bumper forms a bottom enclosure. I could see how the design could affect the aerodynamics and the streamline of airflow in front of the car and offer slightly more resistance in exchange of trapping and directing way more airflow to the radiators. Since bumper is way lower than OEM I think it does not affect the deflection of upwards flow but takes advantage of lower air that otherwise would travel underneath car. I feel an increase in down force on the front end at moderate to fast speeds maneuvers and cornering. I believe bumper acts like a front spoiler and keeps your front directional tires down just like rear spoiler keeps traction on back tires. If there is any slowing down occurring, must be very minimal to the point i cant notice it, but again, just my personal opinion. I was a little concerned about overheating since porsche engineers design stuff for a reason but i have to declare that fans are not turning on as often as they did before.

Originally Posted by Boxtaboy
I think it looks terrific. Great job. The only concern I would have is that since your car is a base model, and it doesn't have a center radiator, the center opening in the new bumper actually draws in a lot of air into the center void behind the mesh center grille. In cars with a center radiator, the grille is needed. In your case, it should be blocked off, so that it doesn't catch a bunch of air in there and slow the car down.

In a Ruf bumper, for example, with the larger openings on the left and right side, they even provide you with larger plastic ducting that directs air into those side radiators that exactly fits the larger holes in the bumpers so that it is fully functional, and no air is being caught inside the bumper where it slows the car down.

Another example is the OEM GT3 bumper... If you have an S with the center radiator, Porsche sells the bumper with the center opening, but for the base Boxster, they sell one with a blocked off center. I bet a lot of the extra downforce you're feeling on that new bumper is just the car being slowed down by all that air catching into that center void. Not a big deal though...I'm sure you could fabricate a plug to fit behind your mesh center grille if you wanted to. Again, it looks great. Congrats.
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